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Meet the Facilitators


Colleen E. Griffin, HTR has been practicing horticultural therapy in Southern Maine since 2018.  She serves on the board of the Northeast Horticultural Therapy Network.  Populations that she has worked with include, children and adults with developmental and intellectual challenges and teens living with substance abuse.  Colleen conducted therapeutic horticulture classes at Dempsey Center for Quality Cancer Care in Lewiston, Maine for those with a cancer diagnosis, their care partners and family members.  Currently, she serves on the faculty of the Horticultural Therapy Institute in Denver, Colorado.

To contact Colleen:









Laura Simonds-Rumpf, HTR is a registered Horticultural Therapist and is currently on the board of the American Horticultural Therapy Association.  She has served many populations including those living with dementia and their care partners, veterans, people with brain injury, and those with developmental & intellectual challenges.  Laura recently moved back to her home state of Maine after living and practicing horticultural therapy in Seattle, Washington for six years. She was recently featured in the Seattle Times' Mental Health Project, featuring the therapeutic garden that she helped create.

To contact Laura:





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